The five best things about Britain
2nd July 2007: Season 4 Episode 22 : 83.28
- The BBC are about to release iPlayer, a way of watching the last week of BBC shows...if you're on a Windows machine which supports DRMed Windows Media Player files. Is this a good idea? Is there anything they could have done instead? (2.38)
- This week Jono are mostly been playing with...UPnP media sharing between Linux and the PlayStation 3 (22.21)
- Ian "Howlin' Mad" Murdock from Sun talks about Project Indiana, Sun's project to produce an easily-installable version of OpenSolaris (29.17)
- Google Adsense: problems that we've had with it, alternatives to Adsense, and what can be done about it (36.52)
- By 'eck, it's fooked: things that are fooked, in particular Bluetooth integration under the free desktop and simple file sharing (45.40)
- Emails and voicemails: you speak to us! Thanks for all your emails over this series -- send us more over the summer! (57.36)
- Final LugRadio Live details! Which social events are going on around LRL this year! LugRadio Live 2007 is this Saturday and Sunday: if you're coming and haven't yet booked a ticket, go to and see the Register page to buy a ticket or tell us you're going to buy one on the door! (76.16)
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